The magi have arrived! Just like the wise men, we are drawn to the light, searching for what it might promise. May your Epiphany Season be filled with light and hope-- and the joy of discovering new ways of seeing the world....
New Window Display Entitled “Anticipation”
This year December 1 begins our Advent season, when our new window will be unveiled. Join us each Sunday as we prepare our hearts and souls for Christmas. – Rev. Dr. Jacqueline R. Soltys+ To learn more, be sure to stop by our Narthex window display and watch the video...
New Window Installation Honors All Saints
Each year at our All-Saints service we remember those who have gone before us, those who have made a difference in our lives. Recalling those who have died is a simple and holy act, a form of prayer. Each year we gather as a community to remember those who have gone...
Interior Design Refresher Course
Fusce ac commodo libero. Ut aliquet velit sed blandit consequat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris pulvinar mauris eu euismod rhoncus. Quisque quis dictum lorem. Morbi faucibus mi eu leo tempus rhoncus. Suspendisse in ligula euismod, hendrerit magna vel, bibendum ante.
Start an Interior Design business
Fusce ac commodo libero. Ut aliquet velit sed blandit consequat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris pulvinar mauris eu euismod rhoncus. Quisque quis dictum lorem. Morbi faucibus mi eu leo tempus rhoncus. Suspendisse in ligula euismod, hendrerit magna vel, bibendum ante.
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The Categories
Fusce ac commodo libero. Ut aliquet velit sed blandit consequat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris pulvinar mauris eu euismod rhoncus. Quisque quis dictum lorem. Morbi faucibus mi eu leo tempus rhoncus. Suspendisse in ligula euismod, hendrerit magna vel, bibendum ante. Cras suscipit faucibus mi, non suscipit enim pulvinar eget. Sed eget nisi hendrerit, ullamcorper metus eget.
A glimpse
The Blog
Fusce ac commodo libero. Ut aliquet velit sed blandit consequat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris pulvinar mauris eu euismod rhoncus. Quisque quis dictum lorem. Morbi faucibus mi eu leo tempus rhoncus. Suspendisse in ligula euismod, hendrerit magna vel, bibendum ante. Cras suscipit faucibus mi, non suscipit enim pulvinar eget. Sed eget nisi hendrerit, ullamcorper metus eget.
Good Shepherd in Norfolk Rejoices for Epiphany with New Window Display
The magi have arrived! Just like the wise men, we are drawn to the light, searching for what it might promise. May your Epiphany Season be filled with light and hope-- and the joy of discovering new ways of seeing the world....
New Window Display Entitled “Anticipation”
This year December 1 begins our Advent season, when our new window will be unveiled. Join us each Sunday as we prepare our hearts and souls for Christmas. – Rev. Dr. Jacqueline R. Soltys+ To learn more, be sure to stop by our Narthex window display and watch the video...
New Window Installation Honors All Saints
Each year at our All-Saints service we remember those who have gone before us, those who have made a difference in our lives. Recalling those who have died is a simple and holy act, a form of prayer. Each year we gather as a community to remember those who have gone...
New Window Display Entitled “Create”
Life is a creative project. We grow and change. We move; we shift direction. From the moment we are born we begin exploring who we are and what we are capable of. The hard-won moments along the way when we solve a problem, innovate, make something beautiful, fix...
New Window Display: Wind. Breath. Spirit.
Wind. Breath. Spirit. There is a side to God that is wild and unpredictable, a side to God that is always beyond the predictable routines and rules we call religion. Every year at Pentecost, we remind ourselves that God is a creative Creator. God’s goal is not to keep...
Easter Weekend Brings Launch of Newest Window Installation Entitled “Alleluia”
Easter means resurrection. How can we even begin to picture resurrection? We have ideas; we can feel the promise in it. God’s plans for us are always bigger than we can imagine, but they’re hard to foresee. Resurrection is new creation, a redemption and healing of the...
New Window Display Entitled “Confess” Prompts Us to Reframe Lent
Contrary to popular opinion, Lent is not about giving things up or feeling badly about ourselves. It’s a chance to be honest. To be genuine. To be real. To pay attention to how we’re spending our lives. Where do we invest our heart and our time? Lent always begins...
Good Shepherd in Norfolk Astonishes for Epiphany With New Window Display
Christmas is over. The day is gone. We’ve opened up the packages. Cleared away the dirty dishes and the wrapping. We’re back at work, back to the old routines. But then, just as we put away Christmas, the church calendar calls for a celebration called Epiphany-- the...
Joy (Christmas)
That first Christmas almost went unnoticed. A few stargazing nomads and some scruffy shepherds happened to look up at the night sky; they saw signs that something remarkable was happening. But most folks were distracted and busy with their daily lives, their families,...
Mastermind DIY Introductory Course
Fusce ac commodo libero. Ut aliquet velit sed blandit consequat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris pulvinar mauris eu euismod rhoncus. Quisque quis dictum lorem. Morbi faucibus mi eu leo tempus rhoncus. Suspendisse in ligula euismod, hendrerit magna vel, bibendum ante.