Creative. Curious. Faithful.

God the Creator, the artist and author of life, weaves our lives together in community

Sep 12, 2023

The Church of the Good Shepherd in Norfolk is fast becoming known as “the church with the windows.” Back-lit at night for dramatic effect, our plate-glass narthex window installations at the corner of NorthShore and Hampton Blvd change seasonally, offering neighbors and passers-by a glimpse into who we are and what we do inside.

This year we invited neighbors and friends to a collaborative art night to create our newest window installation.

Our latest window, called “TOGETHER,” features weavings made of recycled fabric on looms crafted from driftwood collected on the Eastern Shore. Church members, friends, and neighbors gathered together to make the weavings as the final event in the church’s annual summer series “Food for Body & Soul.” Each year, the three-part series features an open-mic poetry night, an open-mic music night, and a final “wild-card” event. (Past years have featured improvisation and swing dancing.) The driftwood looms for the weavings were made as part of a recent confirmand’s Eagle Scout project (Charles Hope); parishioners donated old clothing and fabric. Live jazz piano and some brief poetry readings punctuated the evening and provided themes to ponder as the weavers worked.

You are warmly invited to stop by to see the windows. The installation includes a QR code with a link to a short video explaining the project, which you can watch below.

– Rev. Jacqueline+

Thanks to our own Ben Blanchard for heading up the project and making the video!