Creative. Curious. Faithful.

Our Elected Leaders

Meet the Vestry

Our Vestry come from all walks of life. Some are new to Norfolk, and some have lived here their whole lives. Our elected leadership look forward to welcoming you.

Rector’s Warden

Derek Fix

Though I was born and raised in Cleveland, I have lived in Norfolk for 25 years following graduation from VMI and Navy flight school. My wife, Kedron, is a Norfolk native, and we were married in the Catholic Church. We began attending Good Shepherd seven years ago and have found wonderful spiritual home.

We have enjoyed the sense of community at Good Shepherd. Both our girls, Emma and Anna, have served as acolytes and lectors, and Kedron and Emma were confirmed here. In addition to worship, our family has appreciated the opportunity to volunteer during NEST. I look forward to serving Good Shepherd and having a positive impact on the church community as a member of the Vestry.

People’s Warden

Greg Kim

My story is the story of an immigrant’s dream. My family emigrated from South Korea 50 years ago in search of opportunities for a better future–God has truly blessed our lives. My wife, Janet, and I grew up in the Midwest where we met and moved down to Norfolk when I started my surgical training. We both grew up going to church each Sunday and this is what sustains us. We have two children, Micah (14) and Emily (12).

Our family has been attending Church of the Good Shepherd for over a year after having attended St. Paul’s for over 16 years. Last summer, we searched for a new church home that would help nurture our growth in Christ, and inspire and challenge us to lead a Godly life. We found that at Good Shepherd. The congregation has welcomed our family.

I wonder what we as a church can do to make our faith community stronger and show our love for our neighbors.

Vestry Member

Beth Williams

I’ve been a member of Good Shepherd for more than 25 years. My husband Rolf grew up in this church and both of our kids were baptized and confirmed here. I’ve volunteered in a number of positions from manager of Shepherd’s Corner to Junior Warden with lots of time on various committees along the way. For the past four years I have served as Vestry Registrar. Good Shepherd has been my home and comfort. Now it is time to look forward. I’m excited about the path we are on and want to give back to the church that has given my family so much.

Vestry Member

John Trinder

My wife Betty and I have been members of Good Shepherd for 18 years. I know many of you know Betty through many of her volunteer efforts at Good Shepherd. I have learned about the Flower Guild and Alter Guild by osmosis. The vestry will be my first official position at Good Shepherd. I am honored to serve the church in this capacity. We believe Good Shepherd is our spiritual harbor.

  • Born in in Worcester, MA
  • Served in United States Marine Corps
  • University of Bridgeport graduate
  • Been in broadcasting for 52 years
  • Presently President of Max Media, a local broadcast company

Vestry Member

Rachel Mullet-Cline

Rachel Mullet-Cline grew up in Indiana and Kansas. She got her Associates of Arts from Hesston College, her Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology from Kansas State University. While in college she met her husband Josh. After graduation and wedding, they moved to Boulder Colorado where she worked for Boulder Parks and Recreation. In 2010 they moved to Norfolk, Virginia. Rachel Started her own yoga business, and worked for the nonprofit ForKids. Josh and Rachel had their beautiful daughter Mary at Depaul, in 2014. Rachel loves to play tennis, garden, yoga, read, travel and spend time with her family and friends.

Vestry Member

Shawn Everett

I was born and raised in Virginia Beach but have been a proud Norfolk resident for the past 25 years. My wife Christy, daughters Mills and Eliza, son Hardy and I have been coming to Good Shepherd regularly for just over a year. Prior to that time, we had attended St. Paul’s in Downtown Norfolk for almost 20 years. All three kids were baptized there and the older two confirmed. I became involved with several outreach ministries, a weekly bible study, and Cursillo #159.

When we came to Good Shepherd, we were greeted warmly by so many and connected with some familiar faces. Since that time, we have continued to enjoy getting to know more of the congregation and are hoping to dive deeper and serve the Church in the best possible ways. It seems like such an exciting time in the life of Good Shepherd. I look forward to being a part of that momentum.

Vestry Member

Chris McElvy

Hi, I’m Chris McElvy, born and raised in Norfolk, VA. I am a transmission rebuilder currently working in Suffolk, Virginia. I was raised in the Church of God and have a close relationship with God. We talk a lot! I joined Good Shepherd in 2016 and love the people and how welcoming they are – they make me feel happy to be in such an accepting and inclusive church. Jen and I have four girls and two boys, plus four grandkids between us. We also have three dogs and one criminal (dog). I am excited to be a part of the Vestry and realize how important it is to our future.

Vestry Member

Greg Gardner

Even though I spent most of my adult years in New York—Brooklyn and New Rochelle–after graduating from Howard University with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in music, my parents, siblings, and I are Norfolkians who graduated mostly from Granby High School. During my years away, I migrated from being a Baptist, whose great-great-grandfather, Zachariah Hughes, was the first pastor (1878-1915) of the nearby family church, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. I grew up attending services with my parents and siblings every time the church doors opened! In New York, I joined the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church (1857), a historic institution in the neighborhood near the Brooklyn Academy of Music where I lived. At LAPC I was a choir soloist, a community-involved parishioner, an Elder on the Session (closely akin to the Vestry), and eventually the Clerk of Session. Since moving back to Hampton Roads in 2007, Norfolk State University appointed me to the music faculty and in 2011 I joined the choir at Good Shepherd.

From early on, my life has revolved around family, community, and service—to students at NSU, to children and families served by the Kiwanis Club of Norfolk, the River Pointe community in Portsmouth where I live, and COGS. I have felt such gratitude for the kindness and generosity of the members here, especially for their support of NSU students in so many ways. My spiritual life has been deepened by the enriching Sunday sermons, my own solitary explorations, and most recently, the Contemplative Prayer Group that meets here weekly. I look forward to doing what I can to be an instrument of peace and to letting this little light of mine shine.

Vestry Member

Tracy Masterson

Tracy is a Portsmouth native and has lived in Norfolk for the past decade with her husband, Tim, and their three children. She has her Masters of Library Science and was a Media Specialist in Chesapeake before her second act as stay at home mom to Louisa, Henry, and Clara. She finds joy in connecting to community whether that’s through volunteering at her kids’ school, hosting coffee mornings to connect with friends, or participating in the Young Family activities at church. She has been attending The Church of the Good Shepherd for the past three years and loves the community of faith seekers she has met here.

Upcoming Events

We are honored to be a part of our Norfolk community. Take a look at what’s going on here at Good Shepherd and what we’re doing in the neighborhood. Everyone is welcome to join us!