Creative. Curious. Faithful.

Third Sunday Flower Dedication

On the Third Sunday of each month, we remember and celebrate the people we love with special flower arrangements at the altar. We have an especially talented crew of flower arrangers who create these monthly arrangements.

If you are remembering someone special in a given month, celebrating someone’s birthday, or giving thanks for a friend or companion, you are invited to make a donation of any size for flowers on Third Sunday. The name of the person(s) you are celebrating will be printed in the bulletin that week and will be read aloud during Prayers of the People.

Just complete the simple form below, and your dedication(s) will be included in the Third Sunday bulletin. Names and donations received by the Tuesday prior to Third Sunday will be included in the current month’s bulletin; submissions received after the Tuesday deadline will be included in the following month’s bulletin. Please note that flower dedications and donations for Christmas and Easter will replace the Third Sunday of their respective months.

There are so many people to thank and remember along the way! We are grateful to our talented Flower Guild for this joyful and beautiful opportunity each month.

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Donor's Name*
PLEASE NOTE: Once you click "Submit Order" below, you will be taken to the payment page. Please enter your information, including the "Donation Amount" you entered above.
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Holidays and church seasons may affect the Third Sunday Flowers schedule. Please note the upcoming modifications:

March – No flowers (Lent)

April – Easter Flowers (Information for Easter flowers will be sent out closer to the date and donations will be taken using a separate online Easter Flowers dedication form (similar to Christmas Eve)

May – Third Sunday flowers resume

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